Requirements for Buyers in Ontario

Maintaining a credit score over 680 and having a stable income will make it much easier to secure a mortgage.

Saving for a down payment:
Under $500,000 you will need 5% of purchase price
$500,000-$1,500,000 you will need 5% of the first $500,000, then 10% of the remainder
$1,500,000 and up you will need 20% of the purchase price

Housing affordability depends on a number of factors, including:
-How large your down payment is
-Your Total Debt Service (TDS) Ratio, which is your annual housing related expenses + debt expenses, divided by your gross income.
-Your Gross Debt Service (GDS) Ratio, which is your annual housing related expenses, divided by
your gross income, and
-Current monthly expenses not exceeding after-tax income

Estimating the closing costs:
Generally, a good estimate of how much to budget for closing costs when buying a house in Ontario tends to be between 3-5% of the purchase price. The two largest components of closing costs include Land Transfer Tax, and Lawyer & Legal Fees.

Get a Mortgage Pre-approval & Look for the Best Rate:
Getting a mortgage pre-approval before looking for a home provides the stability of locking in an interest rate for up to 120 days, while providing an estimate on how much of a mortgage you qualify for. A pre-approval acts as a written contract between you and your lender. However, getting pre-approved does not mean you cannot continue to shop around for other rates.

Find a good Real Estate Agent:
Connecting with a real estate agent that fits your needs and has a strong understanding of the market you’re looking in is crucial. Especially for first-time buyers, having an experienced agent can provide much needed clarity in a brand new situation.


  1. Patrick says:

    Thank you for the very informative read through!

    • Hi Patrick,

      We’re glad you enjoyed the Blog post. You might find our other Blog posts interesting as well. Requirements for Rentals, and Navigating the Ontario Real Estate Market.

      Please feel free to reach out to us if you need anything.

      Toronto Condos and Homes Online Team

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